Get familiar with our code of conduct, mechanics and safety policies on this page.
Rules on-site
It goes without saying that we expect everyone to follow the Finnish law and good manners in all situations. Be sensible and respectful to your co-players as well as the organizers.
We have a lot of props and technology on the location, and the venue is a building in active use, so be careful and respectful with the surroundings. Do not break anything of value. This also applies to all IT systems – please do not try to forcefully hack or exploit them.
Our location is a public school building so alcohol is strictly forbidden on the premises. Do NOT bring any alcoholic drinks to the location. All in-game alcoholic substances are non-alcoholic in real life / off-game.
Smoking is forbidden inside the school building, thus as the whole game is indoors, smoking in-game is not possible. However, you can smoke outside the school premises, but this will be strictly off-game – you are not allowed to play outside. Due to regulations, the indoors smoking ban also applies to vaping and e-cigarettes.
The full names of the participants will be shared with others attending the game.
We have a lot of props and technology on the location, and the venue is a building in active use, so be careful and respectful with the surroundings. Do not break anything of value. This also applies to all IT systems – please do not try to forcefully hack or exploit them.
Our location is a public school building so alcohol is strictly forbidden on the premises. Do NOT bring any alcoholic drinks to the location. All in-game alcoholic substances are non-alcoholic in real life / off-game.
Smoking is forbidden inside the school building, thus as the whole game is indoors, smoking in-game is not possible. However, you can smoke outside the school premises, but this will be strictly off-game – you are not allowed to play outside. Due to regulations, the indoors smoking ban also applies to vaping and e-cigarettes.
The full names of the participants will be shared with others attending the game.
Code of conduct
All manner of bullying, harassment, and discrimination are not tolerated before, during, or after the game. Attendants and organizers are expected to follow the principles for safer larping outlined in the Safer larping package. We recommend that you read it carefully before the larp, and commit to advancing a safe game environment, as well as opposing harassment with their own actions.
Discrimination and inequality based on ethnicity, gender, or sexual orientation does not exist in the game world, and any bullying behaviour based on them is forbidden. In the in-game setting in which our larp takes place, there are major equality issues between members of different classes or social standings. However, there is no inequality between races, genders, or sexual orientations. Thus there will be no plots involving inequality based on these aspects. We aim to write diverse characters in terms of genders and orientations.
As an important rule, in-game bullying must never be based on a player’s attributes (whether physical or other). Characters can be bullied based on characters’ attributes, but never on those derived from a player. Players are encouraged to talk with their co-players in advance to discuss appropriate ways to escalate conflicts in a manner that is safe for everybody involved.
The story of Odysseus is created as a collaboration between the game writers and you, the players. Inclusivity and play-to-lift are something we want to especially highlight to allow every single participant to experience that they have had an impact in the story we have told and brought to life. This means that e.g. the players of characters in leadership positions should delegate and distribute responsibilities equally, that all players are encouraged to invite other characters in on plotlines, that players should support the play of authority figures by giving them authority, and so on. There are no winners in the game, the characters are allowed to make mistakes, and secrets are meant to be uncovered.
Our firm intention is to organize an event free of discrimination, and we try to be as sensitive and considerate as possible. Likewise, we want to be respectful in all of our communication. If you find our representation offensive, please contact us so we can make amends and correct our communication.
Discrimination and inequality based on ethnicity, gender, or sexual orientation does not exist in the game world, and any bullying behaviour based on them is forbidden. In the in-game setting in which our larp takes place, there are major equality issues between members of different classes or social standings. However, there is no inequality between races, genders, or sexual orientations. Thus there will be no plots involving inequality based on these aspects. We aim to write diverse characters in terms of genders and orientations.
As an important rule, in-game bullying must never be based on a player’s attributes (whether physical or other). Characters can be bullied based on characters’ attributes, but never on those derived from a player. Players are encouraged to talk with their co-players in advance to discuss appropriate ways to escalate conflicts in a manner that is safe for everybody involved.
The story of Odysseus is created as a collaboration between the game writers and you, the players. Inclusivity and play-to-lift are something we want to especially highlight to allow every single participant to experience that they have had an impact in the story we have told and brought to life. This means that e.g. the players of characters in leadership positions should delegate and distribute responsibilities equally, that all players are encouraged to invite other characters in on plotlines, that players should support the play of authority figures by giving them authority, and so on. There are no winners in the game, the characters are allowed to make mistakes, and secrets are meant to be uncovered.
Our firm intention is to organize an event free of discrimination, and we try to be as sensitive and considerate as possible. Likewise, we want to be respectful in all of our communication. If you find our representation offensive, please contact us so we can make amends and correct our communication.
Age limit and beginners
The event has an age recommendation of 18, but we might stretch it on a case by case basis for a few younger players (15-17y, especially if accompanied by a parent or guardian). We are also open for discussion for children under age of 15 to participate with their parent, however they would not receive a character sheet of their own, they would only be contacted with the character of the parent and their group. Each case will be discussed and considered separately. Please note that due to the larp’s long duration and rough themes, the game is not suited for young children.
We are happy to welcome first timers aboard the starship Odysseus! It might be a hectic experience, but we aim to help inexperienced players to the best of our ability. Our safety team and organisers are available to help beginners, answer their questions, and aid them whenever they need assistance.
We are happy to welcome first timers aboard the starship Odysseus! It might be a hectic experience, but we aim to help inexperienced players to the best of our ability. Our safety team and organisers are available to help beginners, answer their questions, and aid them whenever they need assistance.
Opt-in / Opt-out mechanics
The baseline for player safety and participation for Odysseus is based on opt-in/opt-out with emphasis on empowering individual players to continuously make informed choices about engaging in an experience. We encourage all players to communicate continuously and as much as possible with their co-players and the game organizers to allow the players to make these informed choices.
We have several calibration mechanics in use, but for these to work there must be a chance for the players to react and use them – so build up to intense situations instead of going straight into the deep end. For example, instead of attacking your co-player’s character without a warning, start a heated discussion, gradually adding volume and intensity to a shouting match, and only then begin with the physical threats.
Cut: Whenever somebody says “cut”, all role-playing must stop immediately and players who hear the safeword must do whatever they can to assist in resolving the situation. “Cut” can be used in situations of emergency – either in physical or psychological emergencies.
Break: Unlike “cut”, “break” does not require the hearers to stop role-playing, but it signals that the current situation is going in a direction that the player is not comfortable with, and that a change of direction and/or reduction of the intensity of play is needed.
Look-down: A player may at any time choose to opt out of any role-play scene by using the look-down gesture, that is, by shading their eyes with a hand and walking out of the situation. No player will be stopped or questioned when they opt out by using the look-down mechanic.
“Offgame, are you alright?” is a phrase used to make sure other player is okay in the scene. If a player or organizer is for any reason worried about someone, this phrase can be used. It can be replied with thumb up, or clear nod or saying “Yes, I’m fine!” if everything is alright. If replied by anything else than enthusiastic yes (eg. shake, shrug, “I don’t know.” or “no”), it should be considered that the player is not okay and acted accordingly (depending on the situation, ask what they need, escort them to the offgame room, notify the organizers etc.). This phrase can also be applied on discussing scenes for the larp. To make sure if the other player is up to the scene just ask “Offgame, are you okay with this scene?” and same applies, it should be replied with enthusiastic yes. Anything else should be considered not okay.
If you – for some reason or another – are unable to play a plotline or contact written into your character, please contact the game masters as soon as possible before or during the game to resolve the issue. Leaving a plotline or contact unplayed will have an impact on other players’ game, so the game masters will need to try to figure out a solution that will ensure meaningful and safe play for all participants.
We have several calibration mechanics in use, but for these to work there must be a chance for the players to react and use them – so build up to intense situations instead of going straight into the deep end. For example, instead of attacking your co-player’s character without a warning, start a heated discussion, gradually adding volume and intensity to a shouting match, and only then begin with the physical threats.
Cut: Whenever somebody says “cut”, all role-playing must stop immediately and players who hear the safeword must do whatever they can to assist in resolving the situation. “Cut” can be used in situations of emergency – either in physical or psychological emergencies.
Break: Unlike “cut”, “break” does not require the hearers to stop role-playing, but it signals that the current situation is going in a direction that the player is not comfortable with, and that a change of direction and/or reduction of the intensity of play is needed.
Look-down: A player may at any time choose to opt out of any role-play scene by using the look-down gesture, that is, by shading their eyes with a hand and walking out of the situation. No player will be stopped or questioned when they opt out by using the look-down mechanic.
“Offgame, are you alright?” is a phrase used to make sure other player is okay in the scene. If a player or organizer is for any reason worried about someone, this phrase can be used. It can be replied with thumb up, or clear nod or saying “Yes, I’m fine!” if everything is alright. If replied by anything else than enthusiastic yes (eg. shake, shrug, “I don’t know.” or “no”), it should be considered that the player is not okay and acted accordingly (depending on the situation, ask what they need, escort them to the offgame room, notify the organizers etc.). This phrase can also be applied on discussing scenes for the larp. To make sure if the other player is up to the scene just ask “Offgame, are you okay with this scene?” and same applies, it should be replied with enthusiastic yes. Anything else should be considered not okay.
If you – for some reason or another – are unable to play a plotline or contact written into your character, please contact the game masters as soon as possible before or during the game to resolve the issue. Leaving a plotline or contact unplayed will have an impact on other players’ game, so the game masters will need to try to figure out a solution that will ensure meaningful and safe play for all participants.
Safety words for off-game emergencies
Stop the game! When somebody yells “Stop the game!”, everyone repeats the cry and the whole game stops immediately with everybody freezing on the spot. This safeword is engaged in real-life crisis and/or danger situations – fire, somebody is about to fall etc. The game will continue only after the game masters have checked to situation.
Game on! Only a game master can initiate to continue the game.
Game on! Only a game master can initiate to continue the game.
Player safety team and off-game room
We will have at least two support people at your disposal before the game, during it, and for some days after the larp. The player safety team is there for everybody and anything. For example, if you have a problem with your safety, if someone harasses you, if you feel not okay for any reason, or if you just need to talk to someone, you can contact the safety team. The safety team can take action depending on what is needed. They will listen to you, help you, and when needed and asked, escalate your case to the game masters or off-game authorities.
There will be an off-game room at the game site where you can retire should you need a breather.
There will be an off-game room at the game site where you can retire should you need a breather.
Battle, injury, and death mechanics
All firearms will be propped with nerf guns. Although the nerf darts are soft, for safety reasons it is forbidden to shoot at other people’s heads. Should there be a need to execute a character with a shot to the head, the shot will be simulated by shouting BANG! instead of firing the nerf gun.
Close combat fist/knife fights should be acted out in slow motion and preferably briefly discussed off-game before the fight will take place. Never surprise a player by attacking them out of the blue. You can warn the other player and check if they are ok with initiating a fight by verbally threatening them, for example “Apologize or I will hit you,” or walking to them and quickly off-game checking if they are okay with being assaulted in a few minutes.
The nerf guns used in the larp are provided by the organizing team. Do not bring any other firearm props to the venue. Knives and other similar weapons are propped with latex weapons or similar safe semi-realistic replicas and the players themselves should bring them to the game.
Do not kill off another player’s character frivolously. That seriously ruins someone’s game, and a random death is not an interesting game event.
When a character gets hurt, it is always in the hands of that character’s player to decide how seriously they have been injured. So please be mindful and leave room for interpretation for the players of the characters who you are going to hurt. For example, head shots at close ranges are not good for the game.
If you wish for your character to die, it is advisable to take some time to do so, allowing for tearful goodbyes and desperate attempts to save your character’s life.
Important note: there are no back-up characters! If a character dies the player cannot continue the game with another character. However it may be possible to keep following the larp as a part of maintenance team. Or participate some scenes as npc.
Close combat fist/knife fights should be acted out in slow motion and preferably briefly discussed off-game before the fight will take place. Never surprise a player by attacking them out of the blue. You can warn the other player and check if they are ok with initiating a fight by verbally threatening them, for example “Apologize or I will hit you,” or walking to them and quickly off-game checking if they are okay with being assaulted in a few minutes.
The nerf guns used in the larp are provided by the organizing team. Do not bring any other firearm props to the venue. Knives and other similar weapons are propped with latex weapons or similar safe semi-realistic replicas and the players themselves should bring them to the game.
Do not kill off another player’s character frivolously. That seriously ruins someone’s game, and a random death is not an interesting game event.
When a character gets hurt, it is always in the hands of that character’s player to decide how seriously they have been injured. So please be mindful and leave room for interpretation for the players of the characters who you are going to hurt. For example, head shots at close ranges are not good for the game.
If you wish for your character to die, it is advisable to take some time to do so, allowing for tearful goodbyes and desperate attempts to save your character’s life.
Important note: there are no back-up characters! If a character dies the player cannot continue the game with another character. However it may be possible to keep following the larp as a part of maintenance team. Or participate some scenes as npc.
Documenting the larp
The game masters and the ingame security team will monitor the game via video cameras. These cameras are strictly for monitoring purposes and the streams will not be recorded.
There will be a photographer documenting the event. All pictures will first be published for the players to preview for a week. During this week, the pictures are under quarantine and nobody is allowed to download or publish the pictures, even for private use. During the quarantine week, you can ask for any picture of you to be taken down, no questions asked. After the quarantine has been lifted, the pictures will be made public. It is possible to notify the photographer if you do not wish to be shown in the ingame photos.
We might have an ingame reporter with a video camera making interviews and participating in some scenes. We will add more information about this later. You can always ask for scenes you are involved in not to be recorded. The same quarantine practice utilised for photos will also be applied to any video material recorded in the game.
Published photos and videos might be used in marketing of any future reruns, Illusia ry events, and as reference materials to any related talks, reports, and so on.
There will be a photographer documenting the event. All pictures will first be published for the players to preview for a week. During this week, the pictures are under quarantine and nobody is allowed to download or publish the pictures, even for private use. During the quarantine week, you can ask for any picture of you to be taken down, no questions asked. After the quarantine has been lifted, the pictures will be made public. It is possible to notify the photographer if you do not wish to be shown in the ingame photos.
We might have an ingame reporter with a video camera making interviews and participating in some scenes. We will add more information about this later. You can always ask for scenes you are involved in not to be recorded. The same quarantine practice utilised for photos will also be applied to any video material recorded in the game.
Published photos and videos might be used in marketing of any future reruns, Illusia ry events, and as reference materials to any related talks, reports, and so on.