This costume text is already in About - Costumes
The characters who are part of a military organization (plus some other groups) need a rental uniform. The rental cost is something between 20€ and 60€, most likely in the cheaper end of the range (unfortunately we probably won’t be able to lock this down before the signup begins). These uniforms are bought, customized, or created by the organizing team, so we will ask for your measurements and aim to provide a size chart before the casting questionnaire is available. We aim to provide as inclusive sizes as possible but at some cases we might not be able to influence over this. If a player is outside our size charts, we will make adjustments.
Unfortunately the uniforms are not fitted before hand, but are made or ordered according to provided measurements. However, we will have a few extra sizes and will be able to make some customizing at the venue.
Some examples of rental uniforms include customized lab jackets, engineer jumpsuits, marine tactical gear, and officer jackets. To keep the price down, we may ask you to bring some easy to find parts yourself, e.g. black trousers or a black tank top.
We are working on a costume page on which we will explain in detail what is included in costume rental and whether we expect players to provide some components for some of the different character groups. The page will include the size charts and what the rental cost.
For civilian characters, no rental uniform is required. Instead, the players will provide their own props. We will provide a reference point in the form of a pinterest board to provide ideas on the style we are aiming for. We do not expect anything too fancy or difficult to make; the civilian styles are futuristic versions of our own, so costumes should be easy to find or customize.
The characters who are part of a military organization (plus some other groups) need a rental uniform. The rental cost is something between 20€ and 60€, most likely in the cheaper end of the range (unfortunately we probably won’t be able to lock this down before the signup begins). These uniforms are bought, customized, or created by the organizing team, so we will ask for your measurements and aim to provide a size chart before the casting questionnaire is available. We aim to provide as inclusive sizes as possible but at some cases we might not be able to influence over this. If a player is outside our size charts, we will make adjustments.
Unfortunately the uniforms are not fitted before hand, but are made or ordered according to provided measurements. However, we will have a few extra sizes and will be able to make some customizing at the venue.
Some examples of rental uniforms include customized lab jackets, engineer jumpsuits, marine tactical gear, and officer jackets. To keep the price down, we may ask you to bring some easy to find parts yourself, e.g. black trousers or a black tank top.
We are working on a costume page on which we will explain in detail what is included in costume rental and whether we expect players to provide some components for some of the different character groups. The page will include the size charts and what the rental cost.
For civilian characters, no rental uniform is required. Instead, the players will provide their own props. We will provide a reference point in the form of a pinterest board to provide ideas on the style we are aiming for. We do not expect anything too fancy or difficult to make; the civilian styles are futuristic versions of our own, so costumes should be easy to find or customize.
This text is already mostly in the Story - Character groups section
Character groups
There are 13 different character groups, each of which have roughly 5 to 15 characters. We will ask you to choose your favorite groups in the casting questionnaire, and we try to honor your wishes. The gameplay will vary greatly based on which character group you will play in: some will have more action oriented larp, while others can concentrate more on relationship drama and on facing the helplessness of the situation.
Officers are the high ranking military characters on board of the starship Odysseus. It is up to them to make the hard choices and to solve the crisis that rise during the larp. For them, much of the game will be played via starship simulation. Their larp is about strategy, tactics, and choices. How to survive against all odds? How to maintain security on board, face external threats, or prioritize resources to fix the hyperdrive so you can jump on time? (Rental uniform required.)
This bridge group executes the orders from the officers, flies the ship, does the actual scans, shooting, flying etc. This group is in the middle of the action throughout the larp, and they will have an input on decisions. However, when the shit hits the fan, the chain of command kicks in. They are a part of the military organisation and their game will involve the military hierarchy and possible conflicts between the military and civilians. Their larp is not just about duty: there will be personal plots and relationships, but they tend to be at the minor role. (Rental uniform required.)
These are the characters that are a part of the military but are not directly assigned to the starship. They have different types of expertise and will be assigned for tasks according to their skills. They have more flexibility than the crew of Odysseus, and they might have conflicting personal agendas. As a part of the military organisation their game will involve the military hierarchy and possible conflicts between the military and civilians. They have more personal plots and relationships than the characters in the bridge group. (For some characters rental uniform required.)
Pilots fly the fighters and engage on space battles and surveillance missions. They are a part of the military organisation and their game will involve the military hierarchy and possible conflicts between military and civilians. They have a tight group and mainly group-centered plots and relationships. (For some characters rental uniform required.)
Ground troops
There are two ground troop teams assigned to Odysseus for doing ground missions on planets. These are typically surveillance and “search and acquire” type of missions. The ground troops are tight groups with very sophisticated group dynamics. They are also a part of the military organisation, and their larp will involve the military hierarchy and possible conflicts between military and civilians. They also act as the internal security on board the ship and are the first line of defense in case of an enemy boarding the ship. They have some personal plots and relationships. (Rental uniform required.)
This group is in charge of repairs and maintenance, which will make for a hectic schedule: be it an overheated hyperdrive, a gas leak, broken shield generators, jammed gun controllers, or fried scanners, the technicians are there to save the day. Fixing things will be implemented as “puzzles” in which the engineers actually do things and have visible results. There are only a few tengineers assigned to the ship, but skilled civilian engineers will be recruited to help. Some of the technicians are a part of the military organisation, while some are civilians. All of them have personal plots and relationships. (For some characters rental uniform required.)
Medics (civilians)
Medics will help and treat people when they get hurt or ill, be it through a fight, a ground missions, space battles, or an epidemic. They will also do medical checks for the crew and the passengers, and probably handle a variety of medical crises. We plan to make the healthcare feel as real as possible (involving lots of fake blood and machines giving information on the patients’ health status). Some of the medics are assigned to the ship and are a part of the military organization, while others are drafted for help. All medical personnel will have personal plots and relationships. (For some characters rental uniform required.)
Scientists (civilians)
There are different sorts of scientific dilemmas that need to be solved throughout the game. The scientists’ larp consists of research and puzzles they need to solve to provide some much needed information for the others. Many of the larger problems during the larp are up for the scientists to solve. Some of them will also have personal experiments and projects going on. The scientists are civilians, and most of them are heavily related to the religion of science – the main religion among the characters. All the scientists have personal plots and relationships. (For some characters rental uniform required.)
Politicians (civilians)
These characters have a large amount of political influence, and they are in the key positions in recreating the human society and the potential conflicts between the civilian groups and the military. Some of these characters have made their careers as politicians, and others are just now rising to power after the catastrophe. Depending on the relationship between civilians and the military, they might have a large impact on the decisions made in the larp. All the politicians have personal plots and relationships.
Religion (civilians)
Religion has a strong impact for most of the characters, and it is a source of solace for many during this time of crises. There are two major religions in the game, with fundamental differences and at times heated theological debates between the groups. These characters include influential people among the religions, as well as devoted followers for the science religion and the Old ways. For these characters, religion will play a major part of their experience, but they will also have meaningful personal plots and relationships.
Survivors (civilians)
Civilians from different backgrounds, whom fate has brought aboard the starship. Initially, the survivors do not have specific tasks onboard, but they might be drafted for duty and tasks. Some are hard-working, good people, who only want to survive. For some, life has not been fair, and some have drifted to dark directions. For all, this might be a new beginning and a chance to start life anew – or profit from the catastrophe, or to carve a new, better life. Or to descend into darkness, consumed by the death of the civilization and their loved ones. Or it might be a time for redemption, to face the mistakes of their past. For the survivors, the main themes are the survivors’ guilt, new beginnings, atonement, and choices on how to proceed. The survivors have deep personal plots and relationships.
Velian survivors (civilians)
Roughly thirty players will start the larp in a different location and join the others later on. In this group, there are members of other characters groups (mainly military) as well as players from another civilization. For the latter subgroup, their game is tightly tied around their own culture and internal plots as well as getting accustomed to the other groups. For the Velian group, the main themes are coping with the situation they are in, learning, interacting, and working as a group. The Velian group will have deep personal plots and relationships.
There are several mystery characters. For them, secrets and withholding vital information are major parts of their gameplay. They might have some specific scenes to perform. They also have some personal plots and relationships. These characters have more guidance and instructions from the organizers. (For some characters, rental uniforms are required.)
Want to know more? Check out our Inside game design: Character groups -blog post!
There are 13 different character groups, each of which have roughly 5 to 15 characters. We will ask you to choose your favorite groups in the casting questionnaire, and we try to honor your wishes. The gameplay will vary greatly based on which character group you will play in: some will have more action oriented larp, while others can concentrate more on relationship drama and on facing the helplessness of the situation.
Officers are the high ranking military characters on board of the starship Odysseus. It is up to them to make the hard choices and to solve the crisis that rise during the larp. For them, much of the game will be played via starship simulation. Their larp is about strategy, tactics, and choices. How to survive against all odds? How to maintain security on board, face external threats, or prioritize resources to fix the hyperdrive so you can jump on time? (Rental uniform required.)
This bridge group executes the orders from the officers, flies the ship, does the actual scans, shooting, flying etc. This group is in the middle of the action throughout the larp, and they will have an input on decisions. However, when the shit hits the fan, the chain of command kicks in. They are a part of the military organisation and their game will involve the military hierarchy and possible conflicts between the military and civilians. Their larp is not just about duty: there will be personal plots and relationships, but they tend to be at the minor role. (Rental uniform required.)
These are the characters that are a part of the military but are not directly assigned to the starship. They have different types of expertise and will be assigned for tasks according to their skills. They have more flexibility than the crew of Odysseus, and they might have conflicting personal agendas. As a part of the military organisation their game will involve the military hierarchy and possible conflicts between the military and civilians. They have more personal plots and relationships than the characters in the bridge group. (For some characters rental uniform required.)
Pilots fly the fighters and engage on space battles and surveillance missions. They are a part of the military organisation and their game will involve the military hierarchy and possible conflicts between military and civilians. They have a tight group and mainly group-centered plots and relationships. (For some characters rental uniform required.)
Ground troops
There are two ground troop teams assigned to Odysseus for doing ground missions on planets. These are typically surveillance and “search and acquire” type of missions. The ground troops are tight groups with very sophisticated group dynamics. They are also a part of the military organisation, and their larp will involve the military hierarchy and possible conflicts between military and civilians. They also act as the internal security on board the ship and are the first line of defense in case of an enemy boarding the ship. They have some personal plots and relationships. (Rental uniform required.)
This group is in charge of repairs and maintenance, which will make for a hectic schedule: be it an overheated hyperdrive, a gas leak, broken shield generators, jammed gun controllers, or fried scanners, the technicians are there to save the day. Fixing things will be implemented as “puzzles” in which the engineers actually do things and have visible results. There are only a few tengineers assigned to the ship, but skilled civilian engineers will be recruited to help. Some of the technicians are a part of the military organisation, while some are civilians. All of them have personal plots and relationships. (For some characters rental uniform required.)
Medics (civilians)
Medics will help and treat people when they get hurt or ill, be it through a fight, a ground missions, space battles, or an epidemic. They will also do medical checks for the crew and the passengers, and probably handle a variety of medical crises. We plan to make the healthcare feel as real as possible (involving lots of fake blood and machines giving information on the patients’ health status). Some of the medics are assigned to the ship and are a part of the military organization, while others are drafted for help. All medical personnel will have personal plots and relationships. (For some characters rental uniform required.)
Scientists (civilians)
There are different sorts of scientific dilemmas that need to be solved throughout the game. The scientists’ larp consists of research and puzzles they need to solve to provide some much needed information for the others. Many of the larger problems during the larp are up for the scientists to solve. Some of them will also have personal experiments and projects going on. The scientists are civilians, and most of them are heavily related to the religion of science – the main religion among the characters. All the scientists have personal plots and relationships. (For some characters rental uniform required.)
Politicians (civilians)
These characters have a large amount of political influence, and they are in the key positions in recreating the human society and the potential conflicts between the civilian groups and the military. Some of these characters have made their careers as politicians, and others are just now rising to power after the catastrophe. Depending on the relationship between civilians and the military, they might have a large impact on the decisions made in the larp. All the politicians have personal plots and relationships.
Religion (civilians)
Religion has a strong impact for most of the characters, and it is a source of solace for many during this time of crises. There are two major religions in the game, with fundamental differences and at times heated theological debates between the groups. These characters include influential people among the religions, as well as devoted followers for the science religion and the Old ways. For these characters, religion will play a major part of their experience, but they will also have meaningful personal plots and relationships.
Survivors (civilians)
Civilians from different backgrounds, whom fate has brought aboard the starship. Initially, the survivors do not have specific tasks onboard, but they might be drafted for duty and tasks. Some are hard-working, good people, who only want to survive. For some, life has not been fair, and some have drifted to dark directions. For all, this might be a new beginning and a chance to start life anew – or profit from the catastrophe, or to carve a new, better life. Or to descend into darkness, consumed by the death of the civilization and their loved ones. Or it might be a time for redemption, to face the mistakes of their past. For the survivors, the main themes are the survivors’ guilt, new beginnings, atonement, and choices on how to proceed. The survivors have deep personal plots and relationships.
Velian survivors (civilians)
Roughly thirty players will start the larp in a different location and join the others later on. In this group, there are members of other characters groups (mainly military) as well as players from another civilization. For the latter subgroup, their game is tightly tied around their own culture and internal plots as well as getting accustomed to the other groups. For the Velian group, the main themes are coping with the situation they are in, learning, interacting, and working as a group. The Velian group will have deep personal plots and relationships.
There are several mystery characters. For them, secrets and withholding vital information are major parts of their gameplay. They might have some specific scenes to perform. They also have some personal plots and relationships. These characters have more guidance and instructions from the organizers. (For some characters, rental uniforms are required.)
Want to know more? Check out our Inside game design: Character groups -blog post!